- Details
- Landscape and Design
- Hits: 1991
Joomla 4.0 Joomla 5.0 Demo Download
Introducing Asgardia - a mesmerizing Joomla 4 template that transcends the ordinary and elevates your gardening and landscape ventures to celestial heights. With 13 enchanting homepage variations, you'll embark on a boundless journey of creativity, shaping your virtual garden paradise with grace and ease.
SideScript JT1
Headline JT3
Headline JT2
Accordion Content JT1
JT Columnar Columnist Module
Vertical Scroller JT1 Pro
Iconic Sticky Panel
JT Elegant Login
JT Elegant Login extension is Login and Sign Up form for joomla. It has a nice animation effect for both login and sign up form. You can use it instead of standard joomla login-signup form of your site. It can be installed as a joomla module and can be used instead of standart joomla login-signup form.
Card Deck Slider JT
Columnist JT1
Masonry Sliding Gallery
Fotorama Responsive Gallery
MansetHaber JT2
MansetHaber JT1
SidePanel JT1
Headline JT5
Smooth Animating Sidepanel
Joomla 3.0 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 5.0 DemoDownload
Smooth Animating Sidepanel Module allows you to publish html content or modules (up to 6 modules) as a sliding-panel at the right or left of the page. Panel uses jquery for sliding. All elements of the frontend interface could easily be changed at the backend.
JT Instagram Feed Joomla Module
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